There are many youth activities that await our young people at Community Presbyterian Church, including those with a focus on middle and high school Christian development programs, Vacation Bible School, our Boy Scout troop involvement (since 1937), mission trips, and many more. We have an active youth involvement where fun and faith can be had by all!

Sunday Fellowship — During this fellowship, we offer lots of fun activities, including games, snacks, and lessons, with discussions based on issues students may face.

    • Middle School and High School Youth meet at 5:00 pm every Sunday.

Community Service — Our youth are involved with many types of mission work; mission work that takes places in the church, around our community, and even across the globe.

Retreats and Conferences — Community Presbyterian Church has access to the beautiful and fun Montgomery Presbyterian Center.  Members also take trips to places like Montreat, NC, go on ski trips, and much more. Fun with faith awaits all youth at our church. For more information, please contact us here.
